35 experts informed 430 participants about current business opportunities in the growth center of the global economy.Bavarian hidden champions provided insight into the secrets of business success in Asia.Major projects were presented in regions for Thailand, the Philippines and Malaysia.

May 2019
Participation in the SIP-Swiss Investment Seminar
The Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC) organized a seminar on direct investment in the Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP). The SIP was founded in 1994 and today includes over 30 Swiss companies.

February 2019
Participation in the DCW expert seminar: Human Resources Management in China
Personnel management in China is one of the greatest challenges for SMEs with their own subsidiaries in China. At this expert seminar, various speakers gave specific insights into the recruitment of specialists, leadership, personnel strategies and compliance.

December 2018
Business opportunities & challenges for industrial SMEs in Japan
SMEV organized a Japan-specific event together with the Japanese foreign trade organization JETRO and Commerzbank Switzerland. This event identified new business and investment opportunities for industrial companies from Eastern Switzerland. In addition, specific challenges for SMEs as well as cultural aspects of international teamwork has been highlighted.
The feedback from the around 40 participants was very positive. Download program.

September 2018
Participation at the Sino-Swiss FTA and BRI conference
The University of St. Gallen, together with Chinese universities, has analyzed the economic impact of the Free Trade Agreement and presented the results. In addition, the opportunities offered by the “Belt and Road Initiative” for Swiss companies were high-lighted.
At the meeting in the Cantonal Council, the Chinese ambassador to Switzerland, Mr. Geng Wenbing, had also participated.

June 2018
Participation at the trade fair Global Connect in Stuttgart
On a total area of more than 3,000 square meters, service providers, institutions and associations as well as foreign business development agencies present their competence in foreign trade.
At the Global Connect Business Congress 2018, high-ranking representatives from politics and business discuss current trends in international markets and provide useful tips.

April 2018
Business and Investment Opportunities in Malaysia
As a member of the Swiss Asian Chamber of Commerce, we visit various events to keep our knowledge and network up to date in the Southeast Asian economic region.

January 2018
SMEV participation at “Hong Kong Business Luncheon”
We followed the interesting information on the planned further development and infrastructure investments in Hong Kong presented by Carrie Lam – Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region – with great interest.

March 2017
SMEV participation at “Chinese Business Network” event
We gladly accepted the invitation of GZA and participated in the Chinese Business Network event in Zurich.
In addition to the exchange with interesting Chinese business people, the Chinese culture could be experienced through the musical performances and fine cuisine.

January 2017
SMEV participation at the “Japan Night” at WEF
With invitation of JETRO we gladly participated in the “Japan Night” at WEF in Davos.
Besides active networking Japan’s culture could also be experienced live. While enjoying culinary delicacies, musical traditions were also celebrated.

May 2016
Visit of Chinese delegation from Harbin
Under the leadership of SGBA (St. Gallen Bodensee Area) and in cooperation with SME-Ventus, a delegation from Northern China visited several companies and universities of applied sciences in Eastern Switzerland.
The delegation from the province Heilongjiang travelled to Switzerland for a week and visited not only the cantonal authorities, but also the Asia Connect Center of HSG, the universities of applied sciences NTB in Buchs and Rapperswil, and a manufacturer for Advanced Manufacturing in the Rhine Valley.

December 2015
Relationship maintenance with government representatives from Southern China
In order to discuss new projects in China, the officials from Guangzhou/Nansha were visited and the good relations continued during a joint dinner.
This network is actively used for the efficient implementation of customer projects.

December 2015
Switzerland as business location, Shanghai
SMEV presented the framework conditions and advantages for direct investment in Switzerland to numerous participants. After the informative part all guests had the opportunity to get to know different delicacies and premium products from Switzerland.
This event was organised in cooperation with GZA.

November 2015
Visit of Chinese delegation from Southern China
SMEV has maintained very good relations with the authorities of Guangzhou/Nansha for a long time and was pleased to welcome a delegation at the moated castle Hagenwil.
The delegation first visited various European countries and also companies in Switzerland, which are active in Southern China.

November 2015
Lean management training at RhyMech
Before optimising individual workplaces using the 5S method, in-house training was provided for the entire workforce. The advantages of a lean production and the defined improvement measures were presented in detail.
The already optimised areas and workplaces served as incentives to motivate the employees.

September 2015
Switzerland as business location, Guangzhou
SMEV presented the framework conditions and advantages for direct investment in Switzerland to all participants. After the informative part all guests had the opportunity to get to know different delicacies and premium products from Switzerland.
This event was organised in cooperation with Shanrison Wealth Management.

June 2015
Switzerland as business location, Guangzhou
In the premises of the Bank of Chine SMEW presented the framework conditions and advantages of direct investments in Switzerland to all participants.
After the informative part all guests had the opportunity to get to know different delicacies and premium products from Switzerland.

February 2015
Cross-cultural training at SAWATEC
After the first subsidiary was founded by SMEV in China, it was important to train the team in Switzerland concerning the particularities of Chinese culture and future teamwork.
The event was finished with a traditional Chinese dinner.